A city-to-city learning programme


A leadership and continuous learning program designed for municipal administrations, with an initial phase of two years.

The program aims to create a roadmap towards a more holistic and sustainable approach to urban development that utilizes placemaking as a citywide strategy and responds more agilely to the needs of people and the planet.

Through the program, we aim to cultivate a new generation of placemaking experts within the public administration.

What is placemaking?

Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent cities with their public spaces as the heart of each community.

Call for Applications

Cities in Placemaking 2025-2026

Want to be part of the Cities in Placemaking programme?


Working, sharing, and learning alongside each of the participating municipalities.

Creating mechanisms for working with communities.

Superando los silos administrativos y abogando por el placemaking a nivel municipal.

Developing a roadmap for placemaking for systemic change.

Find more information about Cities In Placemaking Américas in the project dossier:


Placemaking Europe, utilizing the experience of the first program in 13 European cities.

Placemaking México, with expertise in implementing over 500 projects in Mexico and Latin America.

The Place Institute, con 10 años de experiencia en programas de espacio público en México y Latinoamérica

If you are interested in joining our program or obtaining more information, please contact us: